Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Halloween Vintage Tree

I have been looking for a Vintage Tinsel Tree or a Black Halloween Tree for quite a while now. 

Being the bargain babe that I am, I would never pay full price for one. I'd prefer to buy one where not even tax is charged.  I like to keep as much money in the bank as possible, though I still like to have what my heart desires. 

That's why when purusing through My Craigslist App yesterday this $25 Vintage Tree Ad stopped me dead in my tracks!

Well, Hello Vintage Vixen. Do you want to live the rest of your life at the Fry Household as a Halloween Tree every year? Maybe even be displayed as a Valentine Tree as well? You do?! Well, let me see if your owners will take $20 for you. 

They will! It will be you and me in my pickup today before noon! You got a date with destiny Beautiful Vintage Tree! 

Here are a few Spookified Halloween Trees that give me Inspiration! Maybe they will inspire you too! :0)

Those Skeletons with the Top Hats are to die for! Cute Candy Corn Garland!

Simply Vintage And Simply Fantastic!

Lovely idea of decorating it as a Sweetheart Tree for Valentines Day! 

The Count Dracula and Owl are Adorable!  

That Spider Topper and Pumpkin Base are Perfection

I plan on decorating my tree on the cheap of course. Mostly with Fabulous Flea Market Finds. It's going to be Spooktacular! 

Oh how I love Halloween! 

Till next time Ghouls and Gobblins! 


Monday, September 29, 2014

A DIY Halloween Ghost Garland

I thought I would share a Halloween Ghost Garland. It was made with no money spent. All supplies were already on hand and found around the house. 

Supplies I used were: Napkins, Scissors, Tape, A Black Marker and Black Yarn. 

To create this Ghostly Guy: You will fold a square napkin into a triangle once, gather it together at the top corner, tie a cut piece of yarn around that gathered corner and draw a ghostly face. 

Once you have a few Ghostly Guys done you will then tie them to a long piece of yarn. I used tape to secure the yarn to our mantel. 

This project was done with a friend of mine. She made different types of faces on her ghosts. I think they look spooky and a bit vintage. 

These are the ones I made. It's a graveyard of ghosts! 

I like to think of my ghosts as friendly. 

That's going to be it on my Ghostly Garland! Till next time! 

Friday, September 26, 2014

99 Cent Sparkly Halloween Decorations

Here in San Diego we have 99 Cent Only Stores. Almost everything in the store cost $0.99. There are a few things of better quality that are $1.99, but for the most part all else is $0.99. 

I stop into the one near our home on a weekly basis. You really can't beat the deals you find. There are even groceries at that price. The items you find are usually a better deal than what you would get at a grocery store. So, give it a try sometime. You might just be amazed at what you can get for your money. 

Today I took a stroll down their Halloween Aisle. I had planned on taking pictures to share, but had forgot my phone. Unprepared, I know...

Sparkly Happy Halloween Sign I thought was a good buy. I wanted a little something extra to decorate our mirror and add that extra sparkle. 

Sparkly Purple Witches at 5 for $0.99! 

 Sparkly Skeletons at 5 for $0.99! 

Sparkly Pumpkins at 5 for $0.99! 

These are of pretty good size and really nice looking. An awesome deal at that price! 

I might make a garland for our fireplace with them. Or if I can find a black tinsel halloween tree to decorate.

I like this Skeleton I bought there at $0.99. He has such a creepy smile! I plan on putting him in the window to keep an eye on the neighborhood. ;0)

Well, that's going to be it on my Sparkly Halloween Haul! Till next time Creepy Skeletons, Witches and Pumpkins! 


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Broom Handle Redo With Contact Paper

Our Indoor Broom has been looking a bit tore up lately.


I mean, understandably so. She does put in lots of work on a daily basis. She is definitely a mover and a shaker. 

Though, in this household you look good while getting stuff done. ;0)

I have been wanting to peel the blue off the handle for about 3 weeks, but I couldn't remember where I put my roll of contact paper. 

I bought a roll of contact paper for a different project awhile back. Though, I didn't end up using it. 

So, when I noticed the broom handle starting to peel, it was the first thing that came to mind. 

These are all the supplies needed. Contact Paper and Scissors. 

The blue came off pretty darn easy. 

All I did was measure how much was needed. 

I cut two strips and pressed them onto the pole. Starting with the first strip on the bottom half. 

Since I wasn't willing to invest in a new broom just yet. This was the perfect fix. Plus, this broom still has a lot of work left to do. 

My broom is ready just in time for Halloween! 

That's going to be it on this post! Till next time My Pretties! 


Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Halloween "Hoot" Haul

There were Owls everywhere I turned today at the Swap Meet. From spooky, to scary, to cute. I definitely have a love of owls, though I need to be selective on my purchases. Mainly because we do not have that much room. And let's be honest, too much of a collection can be just "too much". 

I absolutely adore this Owl Towel Holder. I believe my mom had one of these when I was growing up. This has to be from the 60's or 70's. I think it is fantastic! Cost me $1! 

Here it is keeping an eye out at the Swap Meet today. 

Bouquet of Flowers cost $0.50. I seem to be drawn to everything orange today. Not on purpose either. 

Owl Hanging Welcome Sign cost $1! I believe it didn't sell because it had only one hanging leg attached. I just removed it. And I think it looks better without it. 

It had a RiteAid price tag still on of $24.99. Wowzers I got a good deal! 

Large Outdoor Halloween Flag cost $1! Love this! Especially, since we have a couple of black cats that live in our backyard. Their names are Shadow and Ninja and they are members of our family. 

Green Jar cost $1. It appears to be vintage. I like the screw on lid and the green color.  We will be using it as a cookie jar. 

These Owls didn't come home with me, but cost $1 each. When I look at them now, I kind of wish I would of got at least two. :0(

At the same time, I'm proud of myself for showing a bit of self control with the Owl Obsession. Because I really do want to buy every owl in sight! 

Fringe Napkins cost 4 for $1. I thought these were super cute. They still had a sale price tag of $1.19 each. 

Here they are in all their glory at the Swap Meet. 

Ceramic Pumpkins cost 2 for $1. Too cute! And in perfect shape! 

Here they are at the Swap Meet.  I know you wouldn't of passed these up either right? 

I bought Hubby a Fleece Muscle Shirt for $1. He doesn't like it much though. Geez, picky...

Plastic Cup cost $0.50. It was in like new condition. I like the swirly straw. Drinking out of this seems fun to me. As if I have a cool cup from the carnival or something. Yes, I'm weird... 

Garnier Facial Cleansers cost 2 for $1! These were brand new. The lady selling them had a huge box of just these. All for $0.50 a piece. They were just a bit dusty. These must sell for more than $3 each in stores. Good deal. 

Candy Corn Candle cost $0.50. Love it! 

Smells yummy too! 

Iron Battery Candle cost $1. It works and has a timer switch that I like. Good buy!!

Hobnail Milk Glass Vase cost $0.50! 
It cleaned up nicely too. 

Here they are at the Swap Meet. I bought them both from the same Seller. Love!

Picture Frame cost $1. It seems of good quality.  I think it is very pretty. 

I like the Velvet Backing. 

And here it is at the Swap Meet calling my name. 

Owl Mug cost $0.50. It's adorable!

The box was beat up, but the mug was in perfect shape. 

Coffee K-Cup Tray cost $4. The Seller wanted $5, but I bargained. Hubby has been eyeing this for awhile. It cost much more in stores. 

Gotta keep my Popeye satisfied! With a K-Cup Tray and so much more!  ;0)

Here is how our K-Cups were stored before. 

And here is the after with the tray I bought. I like it much better. 

Well, that's going to be it on my Halloween Hoot Loot! Till next time when the Witch is Back! ;0)