I know I had been out of commission on my Frugal Shopping Sprees for a majority of 2015.
It was due to this Baby Bundle of Joy baking in my oven! Oh My Gosh! We had a Baby!
Christmas came early for us in 2015! We were blessed with our Darling Daughter (Scarlett Rose) on December 11th 2015. She was born at 39 weeks pregnant and weighed 8 lbs 7oz and was 19 inches long. We truly feel Blessed and are so very Grateful for this little darling.
To tell you a little history, we have been trying for a baby since January 2013. We have suffered two early miscarriages in 2013, both at 6 weeks pregnant. We also suffered a preterm birth in 2014 at 19 weeks 1 day pregnant. Savannah Marie was born alive and lived for over two hours, though she was not developed enough to live any longer.
I think of our Angel Babies everyday. I know the heartache of losing a baby and the extreme sadness of not knowing if you will ever be able to have a baby or carry one full term. It's a pain and silent suffering I wouldn't wish upon any one.
The only thing I can say is, Don't Give Up. Find yourself a good Doctor and explore all possible avenues.
I do want to share that I suffer from low Progesterone. My body does not make enough to sustain a pregnancy on its own. Once I find out I am pregnant, I am to immediately start taking 200mg of Progesterone Supplements daily. It is doctor prescribed and I am to continue taking it until 36 weeks pregnant.
I believe this is what helped me carry our baby girl to full term. My doctor is a big believer in the benefits of progesterone supplementation. Though, not all doctors are. I am so thankful for my doctor taking a chance with this medicine. Otherwise, I may have never carried our sweet girl to term.
I only share my very personal history to possibly help someone else who might suffer from the same as I do. It is definitely something to look into and ask your doctor about. And the possible outcome is oh so worth it!
Lots of Love,
The Frys
(Sam, Leslie & Scarlett Rose)
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