There were Owls everywhere I turned today at the Swap Meet. From spooky, to scary, to cute. I definitely have a love of owls, though I need to be selective on my purchases. Mainly because we do not have that much room. And let's be honest, too much of a collection can be just "too much".
I absolutely adore this Owl Towel Holder. I believe my mom had one of these when I was growing up. This has to be from the 60's or 70's. I think it is fantastic! Cost me $1!
Here it is keeping an eye out at the Swap Meet today.
Bouquet of Flowers cost $0.50. I seem to be drawn to everything orange today. Not on purpose either.
Owl Hanging Welcome Sign cost $1! I believe it didn't sell because it had only one hanging leg attached. I just removed it. And I think it looks better without it.
It had a RiteAid price tag still on of $24.99. Wowzers I got a good deal!
Large Outdoor Halloween Flag cost $1! Love this! Especially, since we have a couple of black cats that live in our backyard. Their names are Shadow and Ninja and they are members of our family.
Green Jar cost $1. It appears to be vintage. I like the screw on lid and the green color. We will be using it as a cookie jar.
These Owls didn't come home with me, but cost $1 each. When I look at them now, I kind of wish I would of got at least two. :0(
At the same time, I'm proud of myself for showing a bit of self control with the Owl Obsession. Because I really do want to buy every owl in sight!
Fringe Napkins cost 4 for $1. I thought these were super cute. They still had a sale price tag of $1.19 each.
Here they are in all their glory at the Swap Meet.
Ceramic Pumpkins cost 2 for $1. Too cute! And in perfect shape!
Here they are at the Swap Meet. I know you wouldn't of passed these up either right?
I bought Hubby a Fleece Muscle Shirt for $1. He doesn't like it much though. Geez, picky...
Plastic Cup cost $0.50. It was in like new condition. I like the swirly straw. Drinking out of this seems fun to me. As if I have a cool cup from the carnival or something. Yes, I'm weird...
Garnier Facial Cleansers cost 2 for $1! These were brand new. The lady selling them had a huge box of just these. All for $0.50 a piece. They were just a bit dusty. These must sell for more than $3 each in stores. Good deal.
Candy Corn Candle cost $0.50. Love it!
Smells yummy too!
Iron Battery Candle cost $1. It works and has a timer switch that I like. Good buy!!
Hobnail Milk Glass Vase cost $0.50!
It cleaned up nicely too.
Here they are at the Swap Meet. I bought them both from the same Seller. Love!
Picture Frame cost $1. It seems of good quality. I think it is very pretty.
I like the Velvet Backing.
And here it is at the Swap Meet calling my name.
Owl Mug cost $0.50. It's adorable!
The box was beat up, but the mug was in perfect shape.
Coffee K-Cup Tray cost $4. The Seller wanted $5, but I bargained. Hubby has been eyeing this for awhile. It cost much more in stores.
Gotta keep my Popeye satisfied! With a K-Cup Tray and so much more! ;0)
Here is how our K-Cups were stored before.
And here is the after with the tray I bought. I like it much better.
Well, that's going to be it on my Halloween Hoot Loot! Till next time when the Witch is Back! ;0)