Friday, December 27, 2013

"Christmas Card" Memory Books

Hello Eveyone! I hope you all enjoyed a Very Merry Christmas and shared it with the ones you love! I know I sure did! 

Happy Holidays to you and yours from Santa's Favorite Reindeer! Dancer and Vixen! I am Vixen of course, with no explanation needed. My Husband is Dancer, because this white boy has moves you've never seen! 

Okay, now in all seriousness, I'm going to admit something. We are all friends here right? Friends that are not judgemental? Well, the fact of the matter is, I hoard Christmas Cards!!!

I truly love getting Christmas Cards in the mail. It is such a fun treat to receive such a thoughtful gift. I do consider them gifts too. It is The Gift of the lovely card, a sweet message, an adorable photo, your time, your energy, and I know those darn little stamps are not that cheap! 

Every year I seem to receive a few less in the mail. (And not because I am less likable, at least I don't think so.) Though, I do seem to receive a lot more Christmas emails, Christmas online notifications and Christmas text messages. Which, I do like and are very nice.  However, they are just not the same. In this fast paced techy world, mailed Christmas Cards might just one day be obsolete!  

I just can't bring myself to part with these thoughtful treasures that might be a bit of history one day. Only a story that you will be telling your great grand kids about. Of how in the olden days, people used to send Christmas Cards in the mail. So, I want to have proof! And if I am going to hoard Christmas Cards, I'm going to do it in an organized fashion. Because that's how I roll people! 

Here are a few Awesome Ideas from PINTREST. 

All that is needed is a Ring Fastener and a Hole Puncher. 

I like the idea of having them out as Christmas Decoration for the following year. Hung on a door handle, hook or cabinet knob. 

Having them in a three ring binder is cool too. 

You can make a cover and embellish it any way you like. 

If you don't have ring fasteners, use ribbon. 

I adore this one with twine used. Maybe you could even use yarn. 

Improvise with what you have on hand. No need to spend money on making them. Maybe you can use a cut Christmas Box as the front and back cover. Maybe decorate it with wrapping paper that was to be thrown out. Or use recycled ribbon as the fasteners. The possibilities are endless. 

(My Grandma and Mom. And Me in my Mom's Belly.) 

Keep a bit of Friend and Family History with your Special Christmas Cards received.  I have a few from my Grandmother who has since passed that I absolutely cherish. I just love to reminisce and look back at them all. 


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